Ad Hoc Writers
Ad Hoc, Ad Astra, Ad Draconus

Magic Builder Outline

from Jim Van Scyoc
Copyright (C) 1991 & 1993, Ad Hoc Writers, Hayward, California
Revised May 16, 1992 and January 9, 1993

  1. Magic.
    1. Source of magic power.
      1. From within the user.
        1. From body.
        2. From soul.
        3. Is self the only resource?
      2. From outside the user.
        1. From an inanimate power or force.
        2. From animate but non-sentient life.
          1. Biological source?
            1. Plants.
            2. Animals.
            3. Microorganisms.
            4. Is it an infection?
        3. From a higher being or God(s).
          1. Religious significance?
            1. Benevolent.
            2. Evil.
            3. Neutral.
          2. No particular religious significance.
        4. Is it a radiation?
        5. Is it cross-dimensional?
        6. Is it obtained with or without permission of
        7. What is asked in return?
        8. Does use affect the source?
      3. Natural or artificial limits to use of power.
        1. Is it a non-renewable resource?
          1. How much is there?
          2. How much longer will it last?
        2. Is it a renewable resource?
          1. How much is there now?
          2. How is it renewed?
          3. How long does renewal take?
        3. Is the quantity limitless?
          1. Usable limits set by user abilities.
          2. Limits set by higher being.
      4. Is it all-permeating? (Mana)
      5. Is it tied to things?
        1. Objects.
        2. Voice patterns.
        3. Materials.
        4. Do objects contain magic?
        5. Do objects only focus magic?
    2. Rules.
      1. Constraints and limits.
        1. Consistent? (Natural law?)
        2. Inconsistent? (Set by giver?)
          1. Varies at whim of giver.
          2. Varies with specific source.
    3. Classes and types of magic users.
      1. Availability of power.
        1. Available to few.
        2. Available to most.
        3. Available to many.
        4. Available only to certain class(es).
      2. Variations in power.
        1. Wide variation.
        2. Narrow variation.
        3. Varies with experience.
        4. Varies with knowledge.
        5. Varies with source of power.
      3. How are magic users viewed by society?
        1. Feared.
        2. Revered.
        3. Hated.
        4. Reputations.
        5. Depends upon nature of users.
    4. Systems.
      1. Conflict with physical science?
      2. Coexistent with physical science?
      3. Is it a "sufficiently advanced technology" which
      4. as magic?
    5. Powers.
      1. What form do the powers take?
      2. How much preparation is required?
      3. How reliable are they?
      4. How much drain on user's energy?
      5. After effects of use.
    6. Training.
      1. How does one learn magic?
        1. Schools.
        2. Monasteries.
        3. Apprenticeship.
        4. Trial and error.
      2. How hard is it to learn?
        1. Long and difficult studies?
        2. Meditation and/or concentration?
        3. Is it a talent that must be controlled?
    7. Cultural assimilation.
      1. How long has magic existed?
        1. From ancient times.
        2. During recorded history.
        3. Relatively recent origin.
      2. Accepted by the populace?

Basic outline contributed by Ad Hoc Writers member Jim Van Scyoc. Additional material contributed by Ad Hoc Writers members and associates Shirley Dickensheet, Carolyn Hill, Hugh King, Raymond (Buzz) Nelson, Gerald Perkins, Joan Rosel, Patrick Spatz, Mike Van Pelt and Joyce Van Scyoc.

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