Ad Hoc Writers
Ad Hoc, Ad Astra, Ad Draconus

Tourist's Guide Outline

from Jim Van Scyoc
Copyright (C) 1992 & 1993, Ad Hoc Writers, Hayward, California
Revised June 4, 1992 and January 9, 1993

NOTE: Another way to use this is for an alien visiting Earth.

  1. Greetings.
    1. Vocal.
    2. Physical.
      1. Touch (handshake).
      2. Gift (from/to/mutual).
        1. Expected or not.
        2. Should it be accepted?
        3. Valuable?
  2. Conversation.
    1. Good topics.
    2. Topics to avoid.
  3. Rapid communication.
    1. Videophone.
    2. Telephone.
    3. Telegraph.
    4. Other.
  4. Public manners.
    1. Actions to avoid.
      1. Personal space.
        1. Less or more than visitor?
    2. What are considered pets and how might you offend? (For
    3. what would happen if you broke a branch from a
    4. tree?)
  5. Dress.
    1. What and when is conservative?
    2. What and when is casual?
    3. What and when is formal?
    4. What is offensive?
      1. Color.
      2. Style.
      3. Exposure.
        1. Parts of body that should not be exposed.
        2. Parts of body that should be exposed.
    5. What to remove when.
    6. Protective clothing required.
      1. Clothing itself.
        1. Protect against:
          1. Atmosphere.
          2. Parasites.
          3. Weather.
          4. Attack.
      2. Accessories.
        1. Weapons.
          1. Ceremonial or cultural tradition.
          2. Functional for protection.
        2. Breathing apparatus, etc.
    7. How is rank or position displayed?
  6. Monetary system.
    1. Medium of exchange.
      1. Metallic coins.
      2. Paper money.
      3. Barter.
      4. Other representations of value.
      5. Checks.
      6. Credit cards.
    2. Changing money.
    3. Counting money.
    4. How much should you carry?
  7. Meals.
    1. Customary times for eating.
    2. Typical foods.
    3. Table manners.
    4. Eating implements.
      1. Types.
      2. Use.
    5. What kind of foods are served where? (Types of
    6. Special foods for the area.
    7. Paying for your food.
  8. Accommodations.
    1. Hotels, inns and other large establishments.
    2. Private homes and "bed and breakfast."
    3. Description.
      1. Sleeping arrangements.
      2. Bathing.
      3. Eating.
      4. Elimination.
  9. Public rest rooms.
    1. Free.
    2. Pay.
    3. Separated by sex?
    4. Description of facilities.
    5. Conduct.
  10. Tipping.
    1. When to tip.
    2. How much to tip.
  11. Business practices.
    1. Correct behavior while conducting business.
    2. Locations where accomplished.
  12. Holidays.
    1. When?
    2. Where?
    3. How do they affect business?
    4. Good to attend.
    5. Best to avoid.
  13. Diversions.
    1. Cultural events.
    2. Just plain old entertainment.
    3. Folk events.
    4. Avoid these also.
  14. Transportation.
    1. Public conveyances.
      1. Types of vehicles.
      2. Cost to ride.
    2. Driving (or piloting) yourself.
      1. Types of vehicles.
      2. Licensing requirements.
      3. Availability of rentals.
      4. Traffic laws.
  15. Legal matters, safety and health.
    1. Legal obligations.
      1. Passports.
      2. Registration.
      3. Strange local laws.
      4. Are you subject to local laws?
        1. What are the penalties for infractions?
        2. Is bribery legal or expected?
    2. Sickness.
      1. Medical attention?
        1. How does local medicine compare to tourist's
      2. Hide sickness?
      3. Sign of evil?
      4. What might cause an allergic reaction?
      5. What might cause an addiction?
  16. Key phrases.
    1. Useful phrases.
      1. Please.
      2. Thank you.
      3. Others.
    2. Phonetic pronunciations.
  17. Notes:
    1. The advice given in this outline is based on the most conservative you will likely encounter in the area of the spaceport for the planet concerned. If you notice that standards are more informal among those you are associate with, take your cue from those around you unless the advice indicates otherwise.
    2. What appears to be sexism in alien cultures may in fact not be sexism. You would be ill advised to attempt to make changes in such a culture.

Basic outline contributed by Ad Hoc Writers member Jim Van Scyoc. Additional input from the membership of Ad Hoc Writers.

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